There are several free downloads available for the Digital Mars C++ compiler.
All files are in ZIP format.
For support please check the newsgroups at
C and C++ Compiler Packages
- Get the Development System with the complete package
on it (over 300Mb of development tools!)
- C and C++ compilers
- Support for Win32, Win16, DOS16 and DOS32 all in one package.
- Integrated development and debugging environment (IDDE).
- Documentation in browsable HTML format.
- Tutorials and sample code.
- Extensive set of related tools like resource compiler,
object disassembler, librarian, resource editors, make, etc.
- Complete library source, including floating point.
- Command line versions as well as GUI versions of tools.
- STL, STLport and STLSoft.
- See Features.
Digital Mars C/C++ Compiler Version 8.57 (3662658 bytes)
- Win32 console versions of the tools
- C and C++ compilers
- Optlink Linker
- Librarian
- Standard and Win32 header files
- Runtime linkable libraries
- Does not come with a debugger, but works with the Symantec or Microsoft debuggers
- MicroEmacs for Win32
- To use <iostream> and other STL code,
STLport 4.5.3 as well
DOS 16 libraries (646,000 bytes)
Add on to above compiler to enable development of 16 bit DOS programs.
- Runtime linkable libraries for 16 bit DOS
- .COM generation tools
- MicroEmacs for DOS
32 bit DOS extender libraries Version 8.31 (189,000 bytes)
Add on to above compiler to enable development of 32 bit DOS extended programs.
- Runtime linkable libraries for 32 bit DOS extender
- X32 dos extender is available as a separate download.
- MicroEmacs for DOS32
Basic Utilities
(262,000 bytes)
Add on utilities for C and C++ compiler.
- bcc Convert Borland bcc command line to Digital Mars DMC
- cl Convert Microsoft cl command line to Digital Mars DMC
- implib Import librarian
- rcc Resource compiler
- shell Simple shell
- Extended Utilities Package
Extended utilities for C, C++ and D compilers.
- chmod Change/list file attributes
- coff2omf Convert COFF object and lib files to OMF
- diff Compare text files
- diffdir Compare directory trees
- dump Dump files
- dumpexe Dump executable files
- dumpobj Dump object files
- flpyimg Read/Write floppy disk image
- grep Search files for strings
- libunres Scan libraries for unresolved externals
- makedep Makefile dependency generator
- obj2asm Object file disassembler
- patchobj Patch object files
- smake Advanced make program
- whereis Search for files
- C and C++ Compiler Source Code
Source code for the C and C++ compilers.
- Source code for C and C++ compiler executable, scppn.exe
- Source code for C and C++ preprocessor executable, sppn.exe
- Source code for C header to D import executable, htodn.exe
STLport 4.5.3 (2,022,541 bytes) (NEW!)
STLport 4.5.3 ported to Digital Mars C++ (requires Digital Mars C++ 8.32 or later)
STLSoft 1.8.1 (4,262,000 bytes)
STLSoft for Digital Mars C++ (requires Digital Mars C++ 8.41 or later)
STLSoft 1.6.5 (2,708,000 bytes)
STLSoft for Digital Mars C++ (requires Digital Mars C++ 8.35 or later)
Garbage Collector
(700,000 bytes)
Hans Boehm garbage collector for C and C++ compiler.
- gc.h Header file
- gc.lib Linkable library
- gc.dll Runtime collector DLL
- src\gc Complete source code
Updates for Digital Mars Development Systems
Upgrading from previous Digital Mars Development Systems is easy:
- Xcopy the Digital Mars CD to the hard disk.
- Download the necessary update files below.
- Apply the updates in sequence by unzipping the updates
and overwriting the previous versions of the files.
- Note that starting with version 8.50, the Development System
is a download rather than a CD.
Digital Mars C/C++ Compiler CD Update Version 8.57 (4,580,281 bytes)
- Files to upgrade 8.52 zips to the 8.57 version.
Digital Mars C/C++ Compiler CD Update Version 8.52 (1,669,667 bytes)
- Files to upgrade 8.51 zips to the 8.52 version.
Digital Mars C/C++ Compiler CD Update Version 8.51 (2,021,451 bytes)
- Files to upgrade 8.50 CDs to the 8.51 version.
Digital Mars C/C++ Compiler CD Update Version 8.50 (1,811,298 bytes)
- Files to upgrade 8.49 CDs to the 8.50 version.
Digital Mars C/C++ Compiler CD Update Version 8.49 (2,539,402 bytes)
- Files to upgrade 8.48 CDs to the 8.49 CD.
Digital Mars C/C++ Compiler CD Update Version 8.48 (1,115,000 bytes)
- Files to upgrade 8.45 - 8.47 CDs to the 8.48 CD.
Digital Mars C/C++ Compiler CD Update Version 8.45 (1,115,000 bytes)
- Files to upgrade 8.43 to 8.44 CDs to the 8.45 CD.
Digital Mars C/C++ Compiler CD Update Version 8.43 (3,440,000 bytes)
- Files to upgrade 8.38 to 8.42 CDs to the 8.43 CD.
Digital Mars C/C++ Compiler CD Update Version 8.38 (2,559,000 bytes)
- Files to upgrade 8.34 .. 8.37 CDs to the 8.38 CD.
- STLport needs rebuilding for 8.37 and on,
it is a separate
- To minimize download size, the STLport libraries
need to be built after downloading; see instructions
in \dm\stlport\readme.txt.
- Uses the new STLSoft 1.6.5.
Digital Mars C/C++ Compiler CD Update Version 8.34 (1,969,000 bytes)
- Files to upgrade 8.33 CDs to the 8.34 CD.
- STLport needs rebuilding for 8.34,
it is a separate
- To minimize download size, the STLport libraries
need to be built after downloading; see instructions
in \dm\stlport\readme.txt.
Digital Mars C/C++ Compiler CD Update Version 8.33 (2,109,000 bytes)
- Files to upgrade 8.32 CDs to the 8.33 CD.
Digital Mars C/C++ Compiler CD Update Version 8.32 (1,484,000 bytes)
- Files to upgrade 8.30 and 8.31 CDs to the 8.32 CD.
- STLport has been extensively revised for 8.32,
it is a separate
- To minimize download size, the STLport libraries
need to be built after downloading; see instructions
in \dm\stlport\readme.txt.
Digital Mars C/C++ Compiler CD Update Version 8.30 (4,200,000 bytes)
- Files to upgrade CD from 8.28 to the 8.30 CD.
- To minimize download size, the STLport libraries
need to be built after downloading; see instructions
in \dm\stlport\readme.txt.
Digital Mars C/C++ Compiler CD Update Version 8.28 (1,600,000 bytes)
- Files to upgrade CD from 8.26 and later to the 8.28 CD.
Digital Mars C/C++ Compiler CD Update Version 8.26 (2,685,000 bytes)
- Files to upgrade CDs from 8.1d and later to the 8.26 CD.
Digital Mars C/C++ Compiler CD Update Version 8.1d (2,900,000 bytes)
- Files to upgrade CDs older than 8.1d to the 8.1d CD.
Compiler Test Versions
beta test C++ Compiler Version 8.53 (900,000 bytes)
This compiler includes fixes for various reported problems. It will
eventually get folded into the main release. If you're having a
problem with the compiler, check this out first.

The Banker's Suite