c++ - Support for variadic macros
- Edward Diener (2/2) Aug 11 2010 The documentation for DMC says that it supports C99 except for 2
- Walter Bright (2/5) Aug 13 2010 Yes.
- Edward Diener (2/7) Aug 13 2010 At what release of DMC was support for variadic macros added ?
- Walter Bright (2/11) Aug 13 2010 Eh, many years ago. I forgot :-(
- Edward Diener (12/23) Aug 13 2010 I am trying to add variadic macro support for Boost and there is still a...
- Walter Bright (6/31) Aug 14 2010 Ok, I understand where you're coming from. But I'm pretty sure I did it ...
- Edward Diener (7/38) Aug 14 2010 Are you suggesting that the earliest version supported in the Boost
- Walter Bright (7/13) Aug 15 2010 If it were my decision, I'd abandon support for DMC++ versions older tha...
- Edward Diener (4/17) Aug 15 2010 Good. I will let the Boost developers know that they should abandon
- Walter Bright (5/19) Aug 16 2010 Sounds good. Please send them the 3 reasons as well.
The documentation for DMC says that it supports C99 except for 2 features. Does this mean that the compiler has support for variadic macros ?
Aug 11 2010
Edward Diener wrote:The documentation for DMC says that it supports C99 except for 2 features. Does this mean that the compiler has support for variadic macros ?Yes.
Aug 13 2010
On 8/13/2010 12:49 PM, Walter Bright wrote:Edward Diener wrote:At what release of DMC was support for variadic macros added ?The documentation for DMC says that it supports C99 except for 2 features. Does this mean that the compiler has support for variadic macros ?Yes.
Aug 13 2010
Edward Diener wrote:On 8/13/2010 12:49 PM, Walter Bright wrote:Eh, many years ago. I forgot :-(Edward Diener wrote:At what release of DMC was support for variadic macros added ?The documentation for DMC says that it supports C99 except for 2 features. Does this mean that the compiler has support for variadic macros ?Yes.
Aug 13 2010
On 8/13/2010 11:08 PM, Walter Bright wrote:Edward Diener wrote:I am trying to add variadic macro support for Boost and there is still a Digital Mars compiler config file there. From what I can see the config file supports versions 8.00 through 8.48, although I can easily change it to the latest version 8.52 as the latest. But without knowing which version and above, as reflected by the __DMC__ predefined macro, variadic macro support exists in Digital Mars C++, it is impossible to add it to the compiler config file so that end-users of Digital Mars C++ can use it in their code when using Boost libraries, or that Boost libraries themselves can incorporate variadic macros in their code, when a compiler suppors it, if they feel it would make their library easier to use.On 8/13/2010 12:49 PM, Walter Bright wrote:Eh, many years ago. I forgot :-(Edward Diener wrote:At what release of DMC was support for variadic macros added ?The documentation for DMC says that it supports C99 except for 2 features. Does this mean that the compiler has support for variadic macros ?Yes.
Aug 13 2010
Edward Diener wrote:On 8/13/2010 11:08 PM, Walter Bright wrote:Ok, I understand where you're coming from. But I'm pretty sure I did it a long time ago, like maybe 10 years ago. In any case, upgrades to the latest DMC++ version are free for customers, so nobody should be stuck with an older version. I just tried it with 8.12, dated 2001. Variadics work.Edward Diener wrote:I am trying to add variadic macro support for Boost and there is still a Digital Mars compiler config file there. From what I can see the config file supports versions 8.00 through 8.48, although I can easily change it to the latest version 8.52 as the latest. But without knowing which version and above, as reflected by the __DMC__ predefined macro, variadic macro support exists in Digital Mars C++, it is impossible to add it to the compiler config file so that end-users of Digital Mars C++ can use it in their code when using Boost libraries, or that Boost libraries themselves can incorporate variadic macros in their code, when a compiler suppors it, if they feel it would make their library easier to use.On 8/13/2010 12:49 PM, Walter Bright wrote:Eh, many years ago. I forgot :-(Edward Diener wrote:At what release of DMC was support for variadic macros added ?The documentation for DMC says that it supports C99 except for 2 features. Does this mean that the compiler has support for variadic macros ?Yes.
Aug 14 2010
On 8/14/2010 8:55 PM, Walter Bright wrote:Edward Diener wrote:Are you suggesting that the earliest version supported in the Boost compiler configuration file for Digital Mars C++ be 8.12 rather than 8.00 ? Because if it is kept as it is at 8.00, and despite the fact that customers can upgrade for free, I would need to know if variadic macros work or not with versions 8.00 through 8.11, or at the least I would need to be able to download such versions to try it for myself.On 8/13/2010 11:08 PM, Walter Bright wrote:Ok, I understand where you're coming from. But I'm pretty sure I did it a long time ago, like maybe 10 years ago. In any case, upgrades to the latest DMC++ version are free for customers, so nobody should be stuck with an older version. I just tried it with 8.12, dated 2001. Variadics work.Edward Diener wrote:I am trying to add variadic macro support for Boost and there is still a Digital Mars compiler config file there. From what I can see the config file supports versions 8.00 through 8.48, although I can easily change it to the latest version 8.52 as the latest. But without knowing which version and above, as reflected by the __DMC__ predefined macro, variadic macro support exists in Digital Mars C++, it is impossible to add it to the compiler config file so that end-users of Digital Mars C++ can use it in their code when using Boost libraries, or that Boost libraries themselves can incorporate variadic macros in their code, when a compiler suppors it, if they feel it would make their library easier to use.On 8/13/2010 12:49 PM, Walter Bright wrote:Eh, many years ago. I forgot :-(Edward Diener wrote:At what release of DMC was support for variadic macros added ?The documentation for DMC says that it supports C99 except for 2 features. Does this mean that the compiler has support for variadic macros ?Yes.
Aug 14 2010
Edward Diener wrote:Are you suggesting that the earliest version supported in the Boost compiler configuration file for Digital Mars C++ be 8.12 rather than 8.00 ? Because if it is kept as it is at 8.00, and despite the fact that customers can upgrade for free, I would need to know if variadic macros work or not with versions 8.00 through 8.11, or at the least I would need to be able to download such versions to try it for myself.If it were my decision, I'd abandon support for DMC++ versions older than the current one, 8.52, because: 1. upgrades for DMC++ users are a free download 2. if they are upgrading Boost, why not update the compiler as well? 3. I don't support any versions other than the current one (by providing free upgrades to the current one)
Aug 15 2010
On 8/15/2010 2:19 PM, Walter Bright wrote:Edward Diener wrote:Good. I will let the Boost developers know that they should abandon support of Digital Mars C++ for all but the latest version, at the suggestion of Walter Bright, who created the implementation.Are you suggesting that the earliest version supported in the Boost compiler configuration file for Digital Mars C++ be 8.12 rather than 8.00 ? Because if it is kept as it is at 8.00, and despite the fact that customers can upgrade for free, I would need to know if variadic macros work or not with versions 8.00 through 8.11, or at the least I would need to be able to download such versions to try it for myself.If it were my decision, I'd abandon support for DMC++ versions older than the current one, 8.52, because: 1. upgrades for DMC++ users are a free download 2. if they are upgrading Boost, why not update the compiler as well? 3. I don't support any versions other than the current one (by providing free upgrades to the current one)
Aug 15 2010
Edward Diener wrote:On 8/15/2010 2:19 PM, Walter Bright wrote:Sounds good. Please send them the 3 reasons as well. Reminds me of when back in the 80's, I was asked in a panel discussion if Zortech supported running the C++ compiler on a floppy disk only system. I said sure, it costs $200 extra and comes with a hard disk.If it were my decision, I'd abandon support for DMC++ versions older than the current one, 8.52, because: 1. upgrades for DMC++ users are a free download 2. if they are upgrading Boost, why not update the compiler as well? 3. I don't support any versions other than the current one (by providing free upgrades to the current one)Good. I will let the Boost developers know that they should abandon support of Digital Mars C++ for all but the latest version, at the suggestion of Walter Bright, who created the implementation.
Aug 16 2010