- albepetr fastmail.fm (7/7) Aug 07 2003 I've noticed that some software uses the constant HANGUL_CHARSET, while
- Walter (1/1) Aug 07 2003 I added it to wingdi.h. Thanks, -Walter
I've noticed that some software uses the constant HANGUL_CHARSET, while win32\wingdi.h (DMC 3.33) only defines HANGEUL_CHARSET. According to some documentation at MSDN (link below), they're both #define'd to 129 in wingdi.h. Is HANGUL_CHARSET a constant that should be added to the DMC header files? http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnprogwin/html/ch17-03.asp Thanks, Al
Aug 07 2003