c++ - DDX
- Peter (5/5) Dec 14 2002 Hi,
- Jan Knepper (13/17) Dec 14 2002 This sounds like an MFC issue and should go news://news.digitalmars.com/...
Hi, While using class express in Data transfer mode, once a variable has been typed in. lets say for IDC_EDIT1. Is there a way of either deletng or editing it? Also, is there any source where I can find more infomation on the DDX feature. Peter.
Dec 14 2002
This sounds like an MFC issue and should go news://news.digitalmars.com/c++.mfc in: YourWindow :: DoDataExchange ( CDataExchange *pDX ) { DDX_Control ( pDX, IDC_EDIT1, m_edit1 ); // } in the class definition: CEdit m_edit1; After OnInitDialog m_edit1 is now associated with IDC_EDIT1, so you can use the CEdit members to access and change text. Jan Peter wrote:Hi, While using class express in Data transfer mode, once a variable has been typed in. lets say for IDC_EDIT1. Is there a way of either deletng or editing it? Also, is there any source where I can find more infomation on the DDX feature.
Dec 14 2002